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Hanoi Countryside on Pedals
Tin đăng ngày: 01/06/2011 - Xem: 274

Around 30km out of Hanoi in Hung Yen province are the remains of Pho Hien, the forgotten city. Once the North’s premier port and vibrant commercial and cultural melting pot for traders from all around the world, a few traces of its illustrious past are visible still today.

 Enjoy a leisurely bike ride of 10km around this small town where the attractions include the Temple of Literature, Chuong pagoda, Portuguese cemetery and Mau Temple, where the foliage of old longan trees outside offer a retreat from the heat. Continue biking or transfer to Van Giang Commune, where a 20km bike ride winds through immense paddy fields & kumquat gardens, where you can chat with locals en route.

Stop by at Saint Chu Dong Tu and Princess Tien Dung Temple – ask your guide about the legendary love story here. Built in the 11th century, war and time ruined its original façade, and it was last renovated in 1980. Bike to the village dike where during harvest, you can ride on the village paths filled with straw. Take a break at the historic village pagoda, enjoy the packed lunch and head out for another 30km bike ride to Bat Trang village, known for its beautiful ceramics.

The village is now filled with wall-to-wall shops selling ancient and modern lines in ceramic, but still gives an overview how people are keeping the traditional craft alive. Chat with the artisans at work or try sitting behind a potter’s wheel. Return to Hanoi.
End of service (hotel accommodation today is not included)

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