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Hanoi - Halong Bay Cruise
Tin đăng ngày: 01/06/2011 - Xem: 336

Ha Long Bay, located in the Gulf of Tonkin, covers an area of 1500 square km. With more than a thousand limestone peaks soaring from its crystalline emerald water this area is one of the natural wonders of Vietnam and now one of four World Heritage listed sites in Vietnam. Visitors have constantly marveled at Halong Bays natural beauty. The tiny islands are dotted with innumerable beaches and grottoes created by the wind and the waves that make a excellent backdrop for swimming or just lazing about on the boat deck.

Note: Day trip to Halong bay would be strenuous for elders, as the drive time is almost seven hours. You may encounter large crowds at the boat docking station, as Halong Bay is a popular destination, but once you are out on the bay, the crowds will be far behind. Also, sunbathing or swimming is subject to weather conditions, as November to February is the cold season.
Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site, Halong Bay is one of Vietnam’s most spectacular natural wonders. The tiny limestone islands, with beaches and grottoes created by the wind and the waves, provide an excellent backdrop for relaxation and swimming. A 3.5-hour drive from Hanoi with a quick rest stop en route at a handicraft center (this place is quite touristy but the best stop available); you will reach Halong City by noon. Board your private junk to begin a 4-hour cruise through the spectacular bay, stopping along the way to explore magnificent grottoes where stalactites hanging from the high ceiling form numerous designs and shapes. Whilst on board indulge in a delicious seafood lunch. Drop off at the boat docking station and transfer back to Hanoi.
End of services (hotel accommodation today is not included)
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