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Settha Palace Hotel
Tin đăng ngày: 01/06/2011 - Xem: 356

Built in 1932, and restored to its former charm in 1999, the French colonial-style 43-room hotel is ideally located near the city’s commercial district. The Settha Palace Hotel is just a 10 minutes drive from the Wattay International Airport and 25 minutes drive to Thadeua on the Laos side of the Mekong River.

In the heart of bustling Vientiane stands a remarkable hotel. Built in the early part of the last century, circa 1932, and painstakingly restored to its former imperial glory, the Settha Palace Hotel serves as a testament to the long lost era of classical elegance, gracious service and French colonial charm.

Once more owned by the same passionate family that ran the hotel in its heyday before the change of regime to Communism in 1975, no stone has been left unturned and no expense spared in the quest to bring this Vientiane landmark back to life.
The Hotel is located right in the city centre, within walking distance of the commercial district, shops, restaurants and tourist attractions. It is 10 minutes drive from LaosWattaiInternationalAirport and 25 minutes drive to Thadeua on Laos side of the MekongRiver and the border bridge to Thailand.


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